The configuration of this scenario and that of the leading role of social movements Country Email List in the potential opposition to the government on a national Country Email List scale will have a fundamental element in the next elections in the Conaie, where the leading role of Leónidas Iza will once again come into question. Yaku Pérez, Country Email List who, as was anticipated before the.
April elections, could also contest the presidency of the organization, has separated from Pachakutik .by the latter's agreements with Lasso's party, warning that there was fraud in the first round, claiming to Country Email List be a "third way" and clarifying that it does not withdraw from the movement's organizations (Conaie and the Confederation of Peoples of the Kichwa Nationality of the Ecuador), but of electoral politics. His speech in this resignation, Country Email List already out of the race, had clearer lines of opposition to the "neoliberal right" than those outlined in his campaign. If Correismo in the Legislature and the indigenous movement in the mobilizations were fundamental Country Email List against the Moreno government, then the question arises as to what will be the capacity of the.
Citizen Revolution to influence the legislative game, with Country Email List little presence in the directive and in the presidencies of key commissions, and what will be the place of Conaie to radiate discursive line, now that its political arm has agreed with CREO to take power in the Assembly and have the most relevant spaces in it. Country Email List If everything traveled and acted so far by the left-wing party actors has been to seek governability in the name of the deep crises that the country is experiencing, what will be the repertoires and what weight will the Correismo/anti-Correísmo cleavage Country Email List have when it comes to converging to defend and deepen democracy, which has been seriously damaged during the government that is ending?
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